Rachi Action For HealthCare Initiatives
Call Us : +256 200 966 610
Mail Us : rachiactionforhealthcare@gmail.com

Partner with us

At RACHI, we are always looking to build strong partnerships with organizations and individuals who share our commitment to improving the lives of the underprivileged and disadvantaged. By partnering with us, you can help amplify our impact and contribute to meaningful change in communities around Lake Victoria and Bussi Island.

As a partner, you can support our initiatives through financial contributions, in-kind donations, or by providing expertise and resources. Your involvement will help us expand our reach, enhance our programs.Join us in our mission to create a healthier society. Partner with RACHI and together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Become a Partner

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.